Balemong Resort & Convention

Villa & Resort dengan Rumah Joglo Unik di Kaki Gunung Ungaran Semarang.

Balemong resort n conventionBalemong Gallery Resort & Convention Semarang Ungaran merupakan sebuah Resor yang fresh dan unik. Terletak di atas lahan seluas 4 hektar di kaki gunung ungaran yang sejuk dalam konsep tradisional Jawa kuno dan nuansa kolonial Belanda. Villa dan resor dengan suasana pedesaan dengan pemandangan Gunung Ungaran ini didukung dengan fasilitas modern dan keramah tamahan yang professional.

Balemong Resort & Convention ini mengakomodasi beberapa jenis rumah Joglo, Sasana Sewaka dan Sasana Andrawina untuk mengakomodasi tujuan event. Sasana kamukten yang terdiri dari 6 Deluxe Room dengan 2 kamar terletak di depan Joglo, dan 2 kamar di dalam area Joglo, serta 2 kamar di sisi kiri Joglo. Sasana Kembul Bujana merupakan restoran yang menyediakan Balemong Resort sajian pilihan. Dan Sasana Nugraha berupa dua kamar type Suite.

balemong_resort_exterior interior_joglo pemandangan_gunung_ungaran_dari_resor pertunjukan_seni_tradisional_indonesia sasana_andrawina sasana_sewaka

The key difference of Balemong Resort in comparison to other resorts within Semarang is in its villas that imitates the traditional Javanese huts, particularly those from Central Java where huts such as the “Joglo Pesisiran” and “Joglo Solo” is kept in its original heritage style. Balemong Resort’s purpose it to maintain the true Javanese identity where historical relic and artifacts of the culture decorates the entire resort. Even though the resort has been established since the start of 2002 and the construction was in slow, careful process; it was all due to the details the resort wanted to emphasize. Balemong resort aims to not only function as a hotel, but also as a resort where patrons can learn of the Javanese heritage and history.

Foto Kolam Renang Balemong Resort

Staying in Balemong Resort and resting under the Javanese heritage architecture will give you an unforgettable experience completed with all its modern facilities and professional hospitality services that we provide. The beautiful view of the Mountain Ungaran landscape will simply. For companies that want to work in a different ambiance, conducting evaluations in Balemong Resort would be a refreshing and fruitful experience. There are several meeting rooms in Balemong Resort with a capacity of holding 20 up to 200 people.

Balemong Gallery Resort & Convention Semarang Ungaran.
Alamat: Jl Pattimura IB Sisemut, Ungaran Semarang Jawa Tengah.
Nomor Telepon: +62 24 6925511 Fax 7691 26 74
Info Harga Kamar & Reservasi, Website:


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