Lowongan Kerja Guru Bahasa Inggris LIA Semarang Candi

English Teacher Urgently Required – LBPP LIA, recognized as the leading, largest and oldest non format English Language Center in Indonesia, invites potential candidates who meet the following requirements to fill the positions of English Teacher at LBPP LIA Semarang Candi and Banyumanik.

1. Has a college degree (S1 or minimum semester 7),
2. Has LIA EPT or TOEFL score of >= 530,
3. Is fluent in spoken ad written English,
4. Is between 22-35 years of age.

If you are interested and meet the above requirements, please send your comprehensive resume by email to dnsanti.liacandi@yahoo.com or send or bring it to the address below.
Jl Veteran Kav 1 Semarang Jawa Tengah.
Ph 024 8415044.

Iklan lowongan kerja guru bahasa Inggris LIA Semarang Candi ini ditayangkan pada 4 Juli 2015.

Kategori: Lowongan Kerja .

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