Pintu Mas Mulia Kimia, Supplier Bahan Kimia Industri

pt pintu mas mulia kimia, supplier bahan kimia semarang
PT Pintu Mas Mulia Kimia (PMMK) didirikan pada tahun 1981. Ini adalah sebuah perusahaan swasta yang terlibat dalam bisnis bahan kimia, mesin & spare part, serta laboratorium pengujian instrumen untuk sejumlah industri. Pada tahun 1985, dengan pertumbuhan yang luar biasa dan diversifikasi, jaringan pemasaran yang kuat didirikan di Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Solo dan Surabaya yang menangani distribusi produk-produk yang diproduksi oleh banyak produsen bahan kimia paling terkenal di dunia. Pada tahun 2000, perusahaan memperluas wilayah bisnis dengan mendirikan cabang operasi di Pekanbaru.

pmmk supplier bahan baku kimiaPaint & Ink Industry: Cellulose ester, acrylic resin, isocyanate, VAE emulsion, polyamide resin, maleic resin, chlorinated polypropylene resin, vinyl copolimer resin, petroleum resin, epoxy resin, kaolin, talc, coalescing acid, biocide, dispersing agent, thickener, color pigment and specialty solvents.

Food Industry: Native potato starch, potato flake, potato granule, native corn starch, modified tapioka starch cooked up and instant, leavening agent, carrageenan, guar gum, acidulant, food coating, soy protein (ISP and concentrate), meat flavor, flavor oil’s, weighing agent, confectionery packaging system and sugar grinding machine.

Adhesive and Abrasive Industry: VAE emulsion, rosin ester, modified starch, phenolic resin, hexamine, hotmelt polyamide, terpentene penol tackifier, rosin ester tackifier, PVC pasta resin, dextrin, PE wax, acrylic dispersant, acrylic thickener and antifoam.

Plastic and Packaging Industry: Cellulosics Polymer, coplyester polymer, nylon, cyclopentane dan meta caolin.

Textile Industry: Poly vinyl alcohol, native starch, modified starch, acylic size, compound size, sizing wax, printing binder, color pigment, printing thickener, softener, chelating agent, enzyme, soaping agent, PVAc, hydrogen peroxyde, sodium hydrosulphite, sodium sulphide, sodium clorite, sodium sulfate, dextrose mono hydrate, sulphur black, indigo, rotary printing, laundry machinery and equipment, rubber blanket for sanfor and comfit machines.

All Industrial in general: universal strength testing machines, filtration media, equipment and system, grinding media, pipe and tube, industrial diesel (solar), water treatment system, paper machine clothing refiner fillings.

PT Pintu Mas Mulia Kimia (PMMK) SEMARANG
Alamat: Jl. Industri I/A No. 270-271 LIK Kaligawe, Semarang 50111.
Nomor Telepon 024-6581007, 6583256.
Fax 024-6582454


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